My Weekly Lupus Diary

Lupus Rashes Making An Appearance

Happy Sunday! It’s now just 20 days to go till I say I do! I cannot believe it! These last few weeks have flown by. Slowly the wedding planning is coming together, but gosh it’s stressful! Every night of the week we are sorting something out, speaking to our suppliers, etc. Days off are being spent doing make-up runs, baking cakes, making wedding favours, etc. Friday, I was making the wedding cake toppers out of sugarpaste. Well let’s just say, it took all afternoon making me the bride. I then made my dress a bit too big, so now there’s no room for Alex the groom to fit on top of the cake. He wasn’t too impressed when I told him! Luckily, I’ve come up with another idea where he can go.


Every year I always seem to come out in rashes from the sun, caused by my lupus. They can appear anywhere that’s exposed. Often on my face, hands, and arms, just because they see the most sun. This is even after wearing factor 50! I’m currently under dermatology for it. Even though it’s been almost a year now since I’ve last seen them. Definitely well overdue an appointment! But I know with the pandemic everything has been delayed. They have talked about upping my Hydroxychloroquine to try and prevent the lupus rashes, but in reality, probably not a good idea for my stomach.

A rash has come out on my left hand, on one of my fingers. Annoying it’s my left hand and not my right, as that’s the one that will be photographed on my wedding day. Luckily though, at the minute there are no rashes on my face or arms. I really hope it stays this way for my wedding too. One day of my life I really don’t want any rashes! The only good thing is, I know steroid cream does get rid of them. I don’t like to use it often as it thins your skin, but if I see one appearing on my face, or the one on my hand gets worse, I will be heading straight to doctors for it.

Here’s the rash on my hand currently. One of the photos was taken on Thursday, the other taken today. Annoyingly it’s got bigger! The more sunlight my skin sees, the bigger it gets. I think all I can do, is just try and wear gloves all the time when outdoors.

Here are some photos of the lupus rashes I’ve experienced in previous years from the sun:

Anyways, that’s it from me this week. Currently watching a beautiful sunset from our living room window. I really am loving these longer days! I even saw the first bit of blossom this week. I just love spring, watching everything come back to life again after a long, dark winter. Annoyingly though, I brought some daffodils for our kitchen earlier in the week. I spent all day sitting next to them on Friday. On Saturday my sinuses were bad. The worse they have been in some time! Now I’m away from them, my sinuses have been ok. Strange, but I do vaguely remember the story from a couple of years ago when I picked some daffodils out of my garden, sinuses became sore and questioned if I was allergic to them, and then decided to get rid of them. Probably will make the same mistake next year too! I will learn one day!

I’m guessing it’s the pollen in them I’m allergic to. I do struggle with pollen in lots of different flowers, especially more so when there indoors. If you ever want to buy me some flowers, probably better off getting me a prickly cactus instead! I do love my cactuses…….well until their need to be repotted and I end up with a hand full of needles!

Oh, and just before I go, my knuckle is still sore, swollen, and bruised from where I hit it 6 weeks ago when I first moved into my house. Not sure what I’ve actually done to it. I doubt it’s broken as I can bend my finger, but it’s certainly not happy! I know bruises, cuts, etc, take a while to heal on me, but this is really taking the mick now!

So basically, I’ve got a lupus rash on one hand and a bruised knuckle on the other. I’m going to look fabulous on my wedding day!

Anyways, that’s it from me this week.

Until next week,

Goodbye for now



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My book, How I Tamed the Wolf, Living with Lupus is available on Amazon via this link:

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